Three songs (1999/2000)
für soprano and piano
(words by Renate Büchner)

1) Spätsommer
2) Nachruf
3) Sekundenlang

O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf (2000)
chorale motet for a cappella choir (satb)
(words by Friedrich Spee)

- commissioned by Heidelberger Madrigalchor -

Bilder eines Sommers (2000/01)

six orchestral songs for mezzosoprano, baritone and orchestra
(words by Renate Büchner)

1) Etwas zieht herauf
2) Sommergewitter
3) Abendstimmung am Meer
4) Spätsommer
5) Nachruf
6) Tageslauf

soloists: ms, bar
orchestra: picc.2.2.eng.2.2. - - 1 perc - timp - hrp - pno - str

- commissioned by Stadt Walldorf -

Zeiten wie Perlenschnüre (2001)
for mezzosoprano, clarinet, horn, violin and violoncello
(words by Renate Büchner)

La Grotta di Trofonio (2001/02)
for wind instruments after Antonio Salieri's opera

- commissioned by armonia Bläserensembles Leipzig -

CD "Mozart - Salieri" (Genuin, 2021) [Overture only]

Eins und doppelt – Ginkgo biloba (2002)

for soprano, mezzosoprano and piano
(words by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Cadenzas and embellishments for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's concerto K. 191 (2002)
for bassoon

- commissioned by David Petersen -

Thränen in schwerer Kranckheit (2002)
sonnet for soprano, english horn, violin and piano
(words by Andreas Gryphius)

- commissioned by Heidelberger Biennale für Neue Musik -

Three pieces (2002/03)
for piano

1) Presto, e sempre precipitando
2) Nocturne. Larghetto
3) Poco allegro

Auf den Altären Salomons (2003)

for baritone, clarinet and piano
(words by Hartmuth Schweizer after texts by Sappho, Rimbaud and Kaschnitz)

- commissioned by Konzerte der Stadt Walldorf -

Andraitx - Pomegranate Flowers (2003/2010)

for baritone, piano, string quartet and double bass
(words by David Herbert Lawrence)

CD "...ohne zu wissen warum!?" (Darling's Acoustical Delight, 2012)

Andraitx - Pomegranate Flowers (2003)

for baritone, piano and string orchestra
(words by David Herbert Lawrence)

Unreine Tragödien und aussätzige Dramatiker (2003/04)
chamber opera in five scenes
(words by Timo Jouko Herrmann after Anton Cechov)

soloists: ms, t, bar, 2 b
orchestra: 1(picc).1(eng).1(bcl).1(cb). - - 1 perc - timp - pno - str (

BlütenSchatten (2004)
for string quartet

Mit Menschen- und mit Engelszungen (2004)
for soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra
(words from the Holy Bible)

soloists: s, bar
choir: satb
orchestra: Picc.2.2(eng/obda).2.2.cb. - - 2 perc - timp - hrp - str

- commissioned by Heidelberger Madrigalchor -

Audio Samples

Monolog des Leicester (2005)
melodrama for two narrators, harpsichord, piano, violin, violoncello and percussion
(words by Friedrich Schiller)

- commissioned by Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim -

12 Etudes (2005)
for flute, violin and viola

Cadenzas and embellishments for Johann Baptist Vanhal's concerto in E flat major [D major] (2005)
for double bass

- commissioned by Michael Neuhaus -

DOWN UNDER- Paraphrase of an Unofficial Anthem (2005)

for piano

- commissioned by festival La Passione -

Die Analyse – Beitrag zur 60jährigen Jubelfeier des Herrn Leyendecker (2005/06)

for bass voice, clarinet, trombone, guitar, violin and piano
(words by Timo Jouko Herrmann after quotings by Ulrich Leyendecker)

Schwanengesang (2006)

dramatic etude in one act
(words by André Meyer after Anton Cechov)

soloists: t, bar/b
orchestra: 1(picc/alto fl).eng(obda).1bcl).0. - - 2 perc - mar(vib) - Pk - pno(cel) - str (

- commissioned by Opernschule der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim -

Musikhistorische Eskapaden eines Ständchens (2006)

for violin, violoncello, piano and orchestra

soloists: vl, vc, pno
orchestra: 1(picc).2.2.2. - - perc - timp - str

- commissioned by Sparkasse Heidelberg -

Drei Graffiti (2006)
for orchestra

orchestra: picc.2.2.eng.2.2. - - 2 perc - timp - pno - str

1) Initialen
2) Studie in Schwarz-Rot-Gold
3) Grimasse

- commissioned by Stadt Wiesloch -

Prelude E flat major BWV 552 by Johann Sebastian Bach (2006)
arrangement for orchestra

soloists: 2 vl, vc
orchestra: - - timp - str

- commissioned by Heidelberger Sinfoniker -

Vom häuslichen Frieden (2007)
wedding cantata for soprano, tenor, bass, choir, viola d’amore, accordeon and piano
(words by Barbara R. Grabowski)

Eine Wunderhorn-Ouvertüre (2007)
for orchestra

orchestra: picc.2.2.eng.2.bcl.2.cb. - - 3 perc - mar(vib) - timp - hrp - pno - str

- commissioned by Philharmonisches Orchester Heidelberg -

Chiasmus & Oxymoron (2007)
two rhetorical figures for orchestra

orchestra: picc.2.2.eng.2.bcl.2.cb. - - 3 perc - mar(vib) - timp - hrp - pno - str

- commissioned by Philharmonisches Orchester Heidelberg -

Die Spargelkrönung (2007)
wedding vaudeville for soprano, mezzosoprano, alto, two baritones and piano
(words by Barbara R. Grabowski)

Gott ist die Liebe (2007/08)

proprium mass for mezzosopran, choir, alto saxophone and organ
(words from the Holy Bible)

1) Introduktion
2) Gott in seinem Heiligtum
3) Lectio: Er führte mich zum Eingang des Tempels
4) So spricht Gott, der Herr
5) Ihr seid Gottes Tempel
6) Gott ist die Liebe

- commissioned by Kirchengemeinde Herz-Jesu Mannheim -

L'ombre de Dinorah (2008)

concertino for bass clarinet and orchestra

solo: bcl
orchestra: picc.2.2.eng.2.2.cb. - - 3 perc - timp - pno - hrp - str

- commissioned by Sinfonieorchester TonArt Heidelberg -

Scherzino sopra due temi (BDH – CEA) (2008)
for violine and viola

Epitaph – H. G. H. A. As. (2008)
for string quartet

- commissioned by ensemble VIERPLUSEINS -

FESTIVO (2008/09)

for youth orchestra

orchestra: picc. - - 2 perc - timp - str

- commissioned by Musikschule Südliche Bergstraße -

Morphine (2009)
concerto for saxophone and orchestra

solo: sax (s and a)
orchestra: picc.2.2.eng.2.2bcl.2.cb. - - 2 perc - Glsp - timp - hrp - str

- commissioned by Sinfonieorchester der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen -

Skiatographie (2009)
for saxophone quartet (satbar)

- commissioned by "kontrapunkte" Speyer -

H.I.L.D.E. – Fünf Fantasiestücke nebst einem Vorwort (2009)

for flute, bassoon, two violins and violoncello

1) Vorwort
2) Humoreske
3) Idylle
4) Legende
5) Dialog
6) Elegie

- commissioned by Konzertreihe Salon BUDERSAND Hörnum/Sylt -

Epitaph (2009)

for orchestra

orchestra: picc.2.1.eng.1.bcl.2. - - 2 perc - hrp - str

- commissioned by Heinrich-Schütz-Chor Heilbronn -

Jakobs Kampf am Jabbok (2009/10)

for mezzosoprano, violoncello and organ
(words from the Holy Bible)

- commissioned by Kirchengemeinde St. Nikolaus Mannheim -

Sonatine (2009/10)
for guitar and harp

1) Con moto
2) Elegie. Lento assai
3) Capriccio. Moderato

- commissioned by Maximilian Mangold -

Verlag Neue Musik / NM1476 / ISBN 978-3-7333-0989-3 / ISMN M-2032-1883-8

CD "Just Strings!" (Cantate Musicaphon, 2017)

Festspielfanfare (2010)
for chamber orchestra

orchestra: - - 0. - str

- commissioned by Lions Club Ansbach -

Three aphorisms for scordatura violin (2010)


Alla Turca K. 331 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (2010)
arrangement for piano and orchestra

solo: pno
orchestra: picc.2.2.2. - 2.2.0. - 2 perc - timp - str

- commissioned by Heidelberger Sinfoniker -

Concertino da camera G major by Antonio Salieri (2010)
arrangement for  wind quintet

Miniature variations on a theme by Salieri (2010)

for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon

Tempus fugit (2010)

for violin and violoncello

- commissioned by Woytek -

Variations on "God save the King" WoO 78 by Ludwig van Beethoven (2010)
arrangement for orchestra

orchestra: - 2.2.0. - timo - str

- commissioned by Heidelberger Sinfoniker -


Fantasy on a hunting song by Oswald von Wolkenstein (2011)
for piano, baroque violin, baroque viola and baroque violoncello

Die Elementargeister (2011)

four songs for soprano (tenor) and piano
(words by Friedrich von Matthisson)

1) Sylphen
2) Ondinen
3) Salamander
4) Gnomen

- commissioned by IZEA (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle) -

Psalm 32 (2011)
for baritone and piano quartet

- commissioned by Woytek -

Narkissos (2012)
mythological fantasy for orchstra

orchestra: 2(picc).2(eng).2(bcl).2(cbn). - - 1 perc - timp - str

-commissioned by Junge Orchesterakademie der Region Franken (JOA) -

Three miniatures (2012/14)
for three guitars

1) Precipitando

2) Affettuoso
3) Allegro con moto Conclusio. L'istesso tempo

- commissioned by Maximilian Mangold -

Verlag Neue Musik / NM2199 / ISBN 978-3-7333-1413-2 / ISMN M-2032-2666-6

"Adeste fideles" & "In dulci jubilo" (2012)
for vocal quintet, oboe and string orchestra

soloists: ATTBB
orchestra: - 0.0.0. - 0. - str

- commissioned by Heidelberger Sinfoniker -

Hymnus (2013)
for mezzosoprano, viola d'amore, violoncello and piano

Penthos (2013)

for alto flute, violin, violoncello and piano

- commissioned by "kontrapunkte" Speyer -

Lytrosis (2013)
for violoncello

- commissioned by Sven Mühleck -

Worte aus Erdreich und Himmel (2014)
sacred cantata for soprano, violin and organ
(words by Xristos Kremniotis)

Lied ohne Worte op. 109 by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (2014)
arrangement for bass clarinet and string quartet

- commissioned by Volker Hemken -

Le Chat aux Bergamotes (2014)
for bass clarinet

Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag / FH 3536 / ISMN 979-0-2034-3536-5

La colomba ferita

for prepared piano and percussion (tape ad lib.)

Fabelhafte Welt - Fünf Fabeln von Jean de La Fontaine (2014/15)
for narrator, flute (alto flute/piccolo), english horn (oboe), bass clarinet (basset horn), violoncello and double bass
(words by Ernst Dohm and Gustav Fabricius after Jean de La Fontaine)

1) Die Fledermaus und die zwei Wiesel
2) Der Rabe und der Fuchs
3) Die Eiche und das Schilfrohr
4) Die Grille und die Ameise
5) Der Mensch und sein Ebenbild

- commissioned by Gewandhaus zu Leipzig -

Au Musée cryptozoologique (2015)
for bass clarinet

Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag / FH 3536 / ISMN 979-0-2034-3536-5

Wenn der Mond aufgeht, lernst du fliegen (2015)
arrangements of works by Richard Strauss
for clarinet, horn, percussion, accordeon, violin and violoncello

- commissioned by Gewandhaus zu Leipzig -

...sur un objet trouvé (2015)
caprice No. 1 for viola and bass clarinet

- commissioned by Volker Hemken -

La lira d'Orfeo - Elegie (2015)

for guitar

- commissioned by Maximilian Mangold -

Verlag Neue Musik / NM2587 / ISBN 978-3-7333-1795-9 / ISMN M-2032-3211-7

CD "Strahlen. Licht." (Cantate Musicaphon, 2017)

Nature morte - Stillleben mit Ginkgoblatt (2015)
caprice No. 2 for viola and bass clarinet

- commissioned by Volker Hemken -

Concert pieces opp. 113 & 114 by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (2015)

arrangement for clarinet, basset horn and string quartet

- commissioned by Volker Hemken -

Le Tapir perdu dans ses rêves (2015)
for bass clarinet

Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag / FH 3536 / ISMN 979-0-2034-3536-5

Prelude, two intermezzos and finaletto (2015)

for flute, oboe/english horn, bass clarinet, violoncello and double bass

Per la ricuperata salute di Ofelia K. 477a by Salieri, Mozart and Cornetti (2015)
Reconstruction of piano part

Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag / FH 3428 / ISMN 979-0-2034-3428-3

Concertino notturno for flute, horn and orchestra (2016)

solo: fl, hn
orchestra: - 2.0.1. - hrp - str

- commissioned by Klassisches Orchester der TU Kaiserslautern -

Hamlet - Sein oder Nichtsein (2016)
chamber opera
(words by von Kirstin Howein and André Meyer after William Shakespeare)

solo: s, bar, 3 narrators

choir: satb
orchestra: 2 perc - 1 pno/cel - str [min.]

- commissioned by Oper Dortmund -

Six duets op. 63 by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (2016)
arrangement for basset horn, viola & piano

- commissioned by Trio Gewandt -

Allegro de concert op. 46 and Bolero op. 19 by Frédéric Chopin (2016)
arrangement for piano and orchestra

solo: piano

orchestra: - 4.2.1. - 1. - str

- commissioned by Martin Stadtfeld -

Five Intermèdes for Roland Dubillard's play Madame fait ce qu'elle dit for double bass and piano (2017)

- commissioned by Alexis Scharff -

Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag / Art. Nr. FH 3535 / ISMN 979-0-2034-3535-8

CD "Florilège" (Farelive, 2017)

FAMA for narrator and orchestra (2018)
(words by Ovid translated by Johann Heinrich Voß)

solo: narrator
orchestra: 2(picc).1.eng.1.bcl.2. - 2.2.3. - 1. - perc - hrp - str

- commissioned by Theater für Niedersachsen -

Notturno (2018)
for two guitars

Seven European folk songs by Ludwig van Beethoven (2019)
(WoO 158 No. 8/10/14/20/23, WoO 158c, Op. 108 No. 13)

arrangement for soprano, baritone and orchestra (2019)

solo: S, Bar
orchestra: - 2.2.0. - 1. - str

- commissioned by Theater für Niedersachsen -

Meine Liebe lebt in Gott (2019)
for soprano, counter tenor, choir and strings

(words by Georg Christian Lehms)

- commissioned by Evangelische Kantorei Walldorf -

Drei Waldgedichte (2020)
for bass voice & piano
(words by Richard Dehmel, Christian Morgenstern, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer)

1) Wenn die Felder sich verdunkeln
2) Traumwald
3) Jetzt rede du!

Song of the Earth (2021)
for narrator/tenor & chamber ensemble
(words by Kurt Klein)

Solo: narrator/tenor
Ensemble: fl, bcl, pno, verr, 2 vl, va, vlc, cb

Notturno (2020/22; revised version 2025)
for small orchestra

orchestra: picc.1.1.eng.0.2. - 2.0.0. - 0. - str.

orchestra: picc.1.1.eng.2.2. - 2.2.0. - 1. - str. [revised version 2025]

- commissioned by Stadt Walldorf -

Que dire de la nuit? (2024)
for two basset horns

1) Lento assai
2) Con moto
3) "Papillons noirs" Quasi senza tempo - Adagissimo

- commissioned by Volker Hemken -

An Affirmation of Life - Mozart Requiem (2024)
for tenor, vocal trio & orchestra
(Words by Kurt Klein)

Solo: tenor
Vocal trio: soprano, alto, bass
Orchestra: 0.0.2bhn.2. - 0.2.3. - 1. - str.

Cadenzas and embellishments for Joseph Haydn's concerto in G major Hob. XVIII:4 (2024)
for piano

- commissioned by Ragna Schirmer -

Beim Gesange der Vögel in einer schönen Gegend (2025)
for medium-high voice & piano
(words by Antonio Salieri)


KAAMOS concerto for flute, string quartet, double bass, verrophone & piano

"...wer rückwärts blickt..." chamber oratorio for voices and small ensemble

Three duets for soprano, mezzo-soprano and piano on poems by Renate Büchner

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